Quote – Being a sadhu means…
Being a sadhu really means being a person whose mind is resolved about his life.
Quote – Growth is to become a full-time devotee
Growth is progress from being a part-time devotee of Isvara to being a full-time devotee.
Quote – To grow spiritually
To grow spiritually is to recognize and appreciate Isvara as the creation and the laws that govern it.
Quote – The basis for prayer
The basis for any form of prayer is the acknowledgement of our helplessness and then seeking help.
Quote – Wise man is happy by himself
A wise man is the one who is happy by himself and because of himself.
Quote – Goal of Life
The goal of life is to know that the goal has already been accomplished.
Quote – Nothing more Sacred than Knowledge
In this world, there is nothing more sacred, more purifying than knowledge.
Quote – You are the whole
That you are the whole is the view of the Vedas.
Quote – The Self is full and complete
The Self, being full and complete, is not isolated from anything. This teaching is Vedanta.
Quote – Vedanta is a means of knowledge
Vedanta is neither a theory nor a practice. It is a means of knowledge to know the truth about you.
Quote – Everything is given
No one has authored anything in the creation, for everything is given.
Quote – About original sin
‘I am the role’ is the original sin, ...if there is something like an original sin.
Quote – Wisdom is fresh
Wisdom is fresh, coming as it does from a teacher to a student like even the Ganges.
That you are the whole is the view of the Vedas.

ASHRAM Activities
Video of the Kumbhabhishekam of Haimavati Sameta Sri Gangadharesvara Swami which was held on 13th of June 2021
Dear Visitors, please read through the below information before submitting your visitor application.
Swami Dayananda Memorial Retreats 2025
We are pleased to announce the schedule of “Swami Dayananda Annual Memorial Retreats 2025” as follows:

Retreat 1
by Sri Swami Suddhananda Saraswati
of Uthandi, Chennai
Retreat topic: Ashtavakra Gita, Chapter 2
Date: 21/02/2025 to 28/02/2025

Retreat 2
by Sri Swami Shankarananda Saraswati
of Coimbatore Tamil Nadu
Retreat topic: Inner growth through right understanding and deliberate choices.
Date: 04/03/2025 to 11/03/2025

Retreat 3
by Sri Swami Brahmavidananda Saraswati
of Mumbai, Maharashtra
Retreat topic: Mahavakya Vichara (across the Upanishad)
and Sri Swamini Brahmaprajnanada Saraswati
of Mumbai, Maharashtra
Retreat topic: Mastery of the Mind (selected Gita Verses)
Date: 15/03/2025 to 22/03/2025

Retreat 4
by Sri Swami Viditatmananda Saraswati
of USA/Ahmedabad
Retreat topic: Jyotir Brahmana of Brahadaranyaka Upanishad
and Sri Swamini Paraprajnananda Saraswati
of USA/Ahmedabad
Retreat topic: Ishavasya Upanishad
Date: 27/03/2025 to 03/04/2025

Retreat 5
by Sri Swami Shuddhabodhananda Saraswati
of Mumbai, Maharashtra
Retreat topic: The Modus Operandi of gaining Brahmajnanam (ब्रह्मप्राप्ति) Gita, CH. 18, vs. 46,50 to 55 with selected Bhashya.
Date: 07/04/2025 to 14/04/2025

To register for the retreat, please click the following link: https://forms.gle/ebfhEpmfDrkR98pR6
The last date for receipt of the application form is 31st December 2024.
Those whose registration has been accepted for participation in the retreat(s) will be sent confirmation letter on or before 15th January 2025. For foreigners, confirmation letter will be sent within a week of receipt of registration.
The participants will arrive only a day before the start of the retreat and positively leave on the day after the retreat ends.