Quote – Being a sadhu means…
Being a sadhu really means being a person whose mind is resolved about his life.
Quote – Growth is to become a full-time devotee
Growth is progress from being a part-time devotee of Isvara to being a full-time devotee.
Quote – To grow spiritually
To grow spiritually is to recognize and appreciate Isvara as the creation and the laws that govern it.
Quote – The basis for prayer
The basis for any form of prayer is the acknowledgement of our helplessness and then seeking help.
Quote – Wise man is happy by himself
A wise man is the one who is happy by himself and because of himself.
Quote – Goal of Life
The goal of life is to know that the goal has already been accomplished.
Quote – Nothing more Sacred than Knowledge
In this world, there is nothing more sacred, more purifying than knowledge.
Quote – You are the whole
That you are the whole is the view of the Vedas.
Quote – The Self is full and complete
The Self, being full and complete, is not isolated from anything. This teaching is Vedanta.
Quote – Vedanta is a means of knowledge
Vedanta is neither a theory nor a practice. It is a means of knowledge to know the truth about you.
Quote – Everything is given
No one has authored anything in the creation, for everything is given.
Quote – About original sin
‘I am the role’ is the original sin, ...if there is something like an original sin.
Quote – Wisdom is fresh
Wisdom is fresh, coming as it does from a teacher to a student like even the Ganges.
That you are the whole is the view of the Vedas.

Why to Study Vedanta?
Listen to Pujya Swamiji talking about how the study of Vedanta helps a person in his/her life
Related Links
arshavidyacenter.org – South-America + Spanish-speaking World Website
arshaavinash.in – For free Ebooks on Vedanta & Sanskrit
AIM for Seva
aimforseva.org – All India Movement for Seva founded by Pujya Swamiji
Arsha Vidya Research and Publication Trust
Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha
HinduDharmaAcharyaSabha.org is an organisation founded by Pujya Sri Swami Dayananda Saraswati in the year 2004 to bring all the Hindu religious leaders under one umbrella and present a collective voice on various religious and cultural issues facing the society.